Hi 👋, I am



A software developer who is curious about computer networks and databases







NodeJS |

ReactJS |


WeChange is a web application that promotes action against issues like climate change and global war...
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About Me

Hi Varun! As a fullstack web and blockchain developer, I'm passionate about coding systems that solve diverse human problems. I find great excitement in leveraging algorithmic thinking to provide innovative solutions to everyday challenges.

With approximately 2 years of programming experience, I have had the opportunity to intern at various startups and work extensively with server-side web technologies. In order to enhance my algorithmic skills, I occasionally engage in competitive coding competitions. Throughout my journey, I have successfully completed numerous freelance and personal projects. I am an avid participant in hackathons, where I have not only gained technical expertise but also honed my non-technical skills. This diverse range of experiences has equipped me with a valuable set of technical and non-technical abilities.

I am currently pursuing a B.Tech in Computer Engineering at Sardar Patel Institute of Technology.

Get In Touch

Want to collaborate, ask something or chat? Be sure to contact me through any of my social media. You can also drop me an email and I will try to reply as soon as possible.

I am also open to freelance projects, so do not hesitate to hit me up if you wish to work together on new and exciting projects.